
Monday, July 14, 2014

Pediatrician in Westminster Can Help Protect Your Child from Measles

The measles outbreak in the U.S. served as a rude awakening as it was the worst on record ever since the disease was declared “eradicated” in 2000. A KKCO 11News report says that as many as 288 cases were reported throughout the country at the start of 2014. Newborn children in Colorado are especially vulnerable, not only because babies aren’t allowed to have vaccines until they’re at least a year old but also because “high rates of travel to countries where measles hasn't been eliminated also brings the disease back to the U.S. when people aren't immunized.”

There is also the fact that Colorado has one of the lowest immunization rates in the country, as reported in the same article. Thankfully, federal and state health officials were able to quell the outbreak before it spread any further. However, parents can’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet now that summer has arrived as most children will be spending a lot of time at out-of-town trips, summer camps, and other outdoor activities—thereby resulting in potentially greater exposure to the measles virus. Should children exhibit the early symptoms of the disease, parents shouldn’t hesitate to seek a qualified medical professional, like a pediatrician in Westminster from Indian Crest Pediatrics.

Symptoms include a cough, a runny nose, and high fever, which are then followed by red or brown blotchy rashes on the skin. In addition, measles seems to have a more profound effect on kids compared to adults, owing to children’s relatively weaker immune systems. As such, children may develop other symptoms like light sensitivity and sore throat after contracting the highly contagious disease. Measles technically has no cure, but fortunately it goes away naturally—provided, of course, a child gets ample bed rest and takes the appropriate medications as prescribed.

Although hospitalization is rarely needed, pediatric measles cases should be treated very seriously to prevent a community-wide epidemic. As much as possible, infected children should stay indoors or within a child care center. However, the most preferable course of action is for parents to ensure their children receive the measles-mumps-rubella or MMR vaccine through a trusted Westminster pediatrician. This way, young kids stand a better chance of staying healthy and enjoying their summer vacation to the fullest.

(Source: Measles returning to U.S., KKCO 11News, May 30, 2014)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Westminster Pediatrics: Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe All Summer Long

For children, summer is the perfect season to socialize, pursue a new hobby or two, and get more physical. However, with all the physical activity going on, summer is also the time when the risk for injuries typically increases. Head injury prevention is of utmost concern, as serious injuries in this particular body area not only impair children’s development but can also be life-threatening. Whether your children prefer to play in the yard or the great outdoors, you must always keep their safety in mind.

A Westminster pediatrician is the best source of information for any questions or concerns you may have about children’s summer safety. Meanwhile, here are some simple tips, courtesy of, for you and your kids to remember so they can stay injury-free this summer:

"Wear a helmet

A helmet is the single most effective way to prevent head injury from a bicycle crash. Make sure you always wear a properly fitted helmet.

Always buckle up

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young adults 16 to 20. During a crash, a seatbelt helps keep a person more secure inside the vehicle than if not wearing a seatbelt.

Watch children at all times in or near water

Children like to explore and discover new things, so take the following steps to keep them safe:

·         Use safety gates or define perimeters to keep children from wandering off and getting into serious trouble, especially around backyard swimming pools. 8 Pools should always have fences all the way around them.9
·         Get training in basic water rescue skills, first aid, and CPR.
·         Learn to swim and teach your children to swim."

It’s perfectly all right for you and your kids to go outside and have fun during summer. Yet be sure to carry out the necessary precautions and to keep the above safety tips in mind so you can enjoy your time under the sun without any regret. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Having said all that, you can never tell when an accident may occur. As such, you also need to have a sensible strategy in place for any untoward incident that may occur, even in your own home. Fortunately, a reliable Westminster pediatrics office such as Indian Crest Pediatrics employs board-certified pediatricians who are ready to help you keep your child safe and well all year round.

(Source: 8 Top Tips for Safe Summer Sports,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Practice Good Health Habits to Avoid the Flu

According to reports from Coloradohealth officials, the state is experiencing a severe case of the flu this 2013-2014 flu season. 748 people and counting have been hospitalized due to the flu, which is significantly more than what the state saw last year.

Seeing as there is no medicine that can cure the flu, it is important to practice good health habits that can prevent the flu from spreading. In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin, “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.

For starters, people should take the time to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water. Do not forget to scrape off dirt and grime hiding under fingernails. In the absence of soap and water, people are encouraged to use rubbing alcohol and other alcohol-based sanitizers.

Eating a healthy diet is often associated with preventing obesity and its complications, but it can also help stave off the flu, as the vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet can boost your immune system. In addition, try to get the prescribed six to eight hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation has been known to lower the immune system.

Lastly, do not forget to get the flu vaccine when it comes out every year. Multiple studies have shown that the chances of contracting the flu is significantly reduced after vaccination. According to the CDC, everyone, including babies aged six months and above, should be vaccinated.

Raising and Treating a Child with Pediatrics

Kids are a curious yet reckless lot, and it can get them into trouble many times. They love to explore and experience new things while they’re young, and will find themselves doing a lot of activities in a lot of places. While such adventures and discoveries are integral to a child’s development and learning, these can get the young ones exposed to a variety of medical complications, from mild fever to serious wounds.

To keep children safe as they explore their surroundings, parents should coordinate with pediatricians. These specialized doctors are trained to handle the many health issues young kids encounter as they grow. Not only will these doctors treat children patients, they can even give pointers to the parents on how to properly raise their young ones healthy and active.

Parents will want a secure contact with a good pediatrician as early as possible; this allows mom and dad to easily reach out to the expert in times of dire emergency. This can be especially handy for parents who have a child that requires constant medical attention. Pediatricians are the foremost authorities in child care, and parents who feel uncertain in certain health care issues affecting their own child should feel free to ask the experts for advice.