
Monday, December 24, 2018

Keeping Little Ones Safe: 5 Tips of Germ Prevention

Kids of all ages just love sharing their germs with one another, and schools are notorious breeding grounds for all manner of nasties. This time of the year is particularly dangerous as the cold and flu are in full force. While it is impossible to protect your kid from every type of bug, there are things you can do to help prevent contact with germs.
It is a team effort to reduce the spread of germs at home and at school, and you should raise awareness with your kids as soon as you think they are ready. To get you started, these 5 tips of germ prevention will help keep your little ones safe during the winter. Read more here...

A Quick Introduction to Childhood Cancer

Childhood cancer is much rarer than in adults, seeing much fewer cases every year in the US. Just like in adults, cancer can affect any part of the body, and the survival rate will be determined by how quickly it is caught.
According to recent statistics from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), about 10,590 kids under 15 and 5,000 adolescents aged 15-19 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. Thankfully, these figures represent a small fraction of the population, with the survival rates increasing all the time due to advances in medical treatments. Read more here...

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Let’s Play: The Importance of Playing for Kids

Kids love to play games, and they should be encouraged to do so as much as possible. It isn’t just because it is fun, play has an essential role in their mental and physical development. Playtime will help your kid’s brain development and allow them to explore skills such as motor, creativity, and communication.
Many everyday tasks can be learned through play, and even if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands to dedicate to playtime, pretty much any activity can be adapted in a way which involves your kid. In this post, we will highlight the importance of playing for kids and make some suggestions on how to integrate play into your daily routine. Read more here...

Keeping Your Little Ones Safe: How to Protect Babies and Children in the Car

Your baby will travel in a car from pretty much day one of their life, so it is a good idea to be prepared for this. There are different things you can do at various stages of their development to keep them safe and secure when you travel around.
There are a few tried and true tips regarding car safety, and this starts with getting car seats or boosters. But it isn’t just the equipment that will keep your kids safe in the car. So, read on to learn how to protect babies and children in the car. Read more here...

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Four Ways Breastfeeding Benefits You and Your Baby

For some new moms, the prospect of breastfeeding is one that either fills them full of joy or dread. Whatever your feelings on the matter, there is no doubt that breastfeeding has many benefits and is the best option for the majority of mothers.
When it comes to making a decision, you have to choose the option that will work best for you and your baby. For some moms, it may not be medically advisable to breastfeed, while others may need to do some trial and error first. If you are unsure whether to go with breastmilk, then these four ways breastfeeding benefits you and your baby may go some way to persuading you to give it a try. Read more here...

Four Useful Tips on the Ideal Newborn Child Diet

One of the many things parents worry about with newborns is food. Eating habits will start to dictate your day as you adapt to a routine which works for both of you. During this time there will be a lot of trial and error, so try to stay positive and remember what works for one child might not work for another.
In this post, we have put together some useful tips on the ideal newborn child diet and ways to make the process easier for mom. Read more here...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Does Your Child Get Enough Sleep?

The general scientific consensus is that while school children need approximately 10 to 12 hours sleep, many are only realistically achieving between 7 and 8. This is not conducive to high performance or achievement in school and is thought to be linked with behavioral issues such as ADHD, hyperactivity and mood swings. Children who do not get enough sleep also tend to have poor eating habits and may be obese. Keeping all this in mind, it may be time for you to ask yourself, Does your child get enough sleep?” Read more here... 

Tips for Bottle Feeding Your Baby

If you have never fed a baby before, it can be a daunting prospect that you are a little afraid to try. After all, a newborn baby is helpless and relies on you completely for their every need, so what if you dont get it right? Well, the chances are that even without help you probably arent going to mess up too badly, but just in case, here are some tips on bottle feeding your baby. Read more here... 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Five Essential Things to Do During Flu Season for Kids

As the seasons start to change, you will probably notice your little one start to get the sniffles, which is typically just a sign of colds or allergies. However, as it starts to get colder and flu season begins to settle in, this can be a worrying time of the year for parents.

Kids are very vulnerable to the flu virus, and because kids like sharing, it can be quickly spread around kindergartens and schools. There are many things to do during flu season for kids so that they remain healthy and you can have a worry-free holiday season. Read more here...

Everything You Need to Know about How to Keep Baby Teeth Healthy

It is a fascinating time when your little one’s baby teeth start coming through. This landmark may be accompanied by a few tears while they are teething, which is entirely normal. As soon as you notice them, you should start doing your best to keep their teeth clean.

Many parents ask how to keep their kids’ baby teeth healthy, so we have prepared this quick guide to help. Read more here...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Keeping Your Kids Safe at Night: Things to Keep in Mind Before Going to Bed

Kids are naturally curious and don’t have a full awareness of potentially dangerous situations. During the daytime, we have to be vigilant at all times to make sure our little ones are not trying to eat or play with something that they shouldn’t.

Continually monitoring your child can be very tiring, so most parents breathe a sigh of relief when their little ones go down for their evening sleep. At some point, you might even think it is safe to go to sleep yourself, but that doesn’t mean your work is done. There are many things to keep in mind before going to bed to ensure everyone sleeps safe and sound. Read more here...

Four Quick Tips on How to Keep Your Child Safe in the Car

We would be lost without our cars, especially parents who need their vehicles to shepherd their little ones around throughout their childhoods. For most parents, these simple acts usually occur safely as part of a daily routine; however, some parents are not so lucky due to road accidents. 

In many cases, these road accidents occur because of someone else’s carelessness. Unfortunately, there are times when kids get injured because parents haven’t used the car seats correctly or not paid enough attention. Therefore, knowing how to keep your child safe in the car can ensure that even the most routine trips don’t end in an unfortunate accident. Read more here...

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Five Easy Ways to Maximize Your Child’s Health

We live in an age where new studies and advice appears on an almost daily basis, so it is sometimes hard to know what you should and shouldn’t do. This is especially true when it comes to the health and well-being of our children.

 are many different ways to maximize your child’s health so that they build a foundation for an active and healthy life, both as a child and an adult. We have prepared a list of five areas which are very important to consider when looking at the emotional and physical growth of your child. Read more here...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Four Common Signs of Seasonal Allergies

The change in seasons is always a great time, unless you suffer from  seasonal allergies  such as hay fever. If this is the case, then the increase in pollen and other airborne contaminants can be a source of constant irritation.
As adults, we can usually tell the difference between allergies, the common cold and other conditions such as asthma. However, we are not nearly as confident when it comes to our little ones, and we often start thinking their symptoms are a sign of something much more serious. Therefore, we put together this list of common signs of seasonal allergies and what you can do about them. Read more here...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Let the Fun Begin: Quick Tips on Introducing Your Baby to Solid Food

The first year of a newborn’s life is full of many landmark events such as when they start to roll, laugh, crawl, and find many amusing ways to interact with the world around them. As a parent, these moments are full of laughs, tears, smiles, and frustrations, and no task captures these emotions more than when you start introducing solid food to your baby’s daily routine.
There is no real tried and tested formula, other than lots of trial and error to find a system that works for you and your baby. However, to get you started, we have prepared these quick tips on introducing your baby to solid food. Read more here...

Some Quick Truths and Tips About Constipation in Babies

When we have little ones, we will often make jokes about bowel movements, but a lack of bowel movements is no joke for baby and parent alike. Changes in bowel movements are part and parcel of your baby’s development, and at some point, you will most likely have to help your baby overcome constipation.
The first thing you should do if you think your baby is constipated is not panic, and then you should take a look at these truths and tips about constipation in babies. We hope the following article will help you relieve your baby’s discomfort as soon as possible. Read more here ....

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Better Safe Than Sorry: Reasons To Immunize Your Child

There has been a lot of debate over the years about whether parents should immunize their children or not, and this debate shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. One thing that cannot be debated is that childhood mortality is at an all-time low in the US, with diseases such as polio, tetanus, and diphtheria being eliminated or proving less fatal than in the past. However, as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported, there are still a lot of serious diseases out there, and many kids are left at unnecessary risk. Read more here...

Getting Back in Shape: Fun Exercises To Do with Your Baby

After a long pregnancy, most mothers are left wondering how they will get rid of the belly. As their time is spent predominately looking after the needs of the new addition, they often neglect things they enjoy, such as trips to the gym and socializing. Read more here...

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Smart Tips to Help Parents When They Are Preparing for a New Baby

you have just found out that you are pregnant and shared this fantastic news with your family and friends. For parents that already have children, you will know what needs to be done in preparation for the new arrival. However, for new parents, the news of their first baby can be a little overwhelming. This is perfectly normal, and there is lots of help out there to ensure the pregnancy and early weeks and months of the baby’s life is as worry-free as possible.Read more here ...

Making the Right Choice: Questions to Ask When Choosing a Pediatrician

Choosing the right pediatrician for your children is a tricky job, as there is so much information out there, and you might not have the time to put in the necessary groundwork. However, we highly recommend that you take the time to research the available options before making your choice, as this will save problems further down the line.Read more here...

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A New Parents Guide: How Do Vaccinations Work?

On the lead-up to your baby’s birth, your pediatric clinic will inform you about the various vaccinations your newborn will need. The list is quite extensive and may make you feel a little anxious, but your pediatrician will help put your mind at ease.Read more...

What Do I Do Now? Child Care Tips for All New Moms

So, you have just delivered your little one into the world. You are exhausted and euphoric, and there is this little bundle looking up at you. At some point, many parents will ask, “Now what do I do?” This is a typical reaction, as your world is now completely different and there will be some adjusting to do. Read more...