
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Sprains and Strains in Children


sprains and strains in children

Sprains and strains are common injuries in children. Sometimes these injuries resolve with a little care at home, but often, sprains and strains should be examined to rule out further complications. Teens are more at risk than young children, but injuries affect both age groups.

A sprain is an injury to a ligament, while a strain refers to injuries of muscles or tendons. Sprains commonly affect wrists, knees, and ankles, typically caused by a fall or the tearing of a ligament. Strains often happen by a child overstretching, which can tear a tendon or muscle read more here...

Friday, October 1, 2021

Signs of Vision Problems in Kids

If you’ve ever suspected that your child might have trouble seeing, it can be quite alarming, especially if they are very young. Kids as young as 2 or 3 may need glasses in order to correct their vision problems, and it is never too early to get any potential issues checked out read more here...

Germs Prevention for Children

As many parents know, it can seem like every time you turn around, your child is sick again with another common illness. While immunizations and a good dose of vitamins can help boost your child’s immune system against disease, there’s a good chance they will still get sick at some point during the school year read more here...

Back Pain in Teens

Is your child or teen complaining of back pain? There can be many causes of back pain in teens, ranging from benign annoyances to more serious issues. Keep reading to learn more about the typical causes and preventative measures for back pain in teens, as well as options for diagnosis and treatment read more here...

Acne in Children

Most teens and young adults will experience acne at some point in their lives. However, according to dermatologists, kids as young as 6 or 7 can begin to develop acne and other skin problems. The earlier onset of puberty in many children has led to the earlier onset of hormonal acne, especially in girls read more here...

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Rabies Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment in Children

Rabies is a viral infection occurring in specific warm-blooded animals. This infection attacks the central nervous system, proving fatal if left untreated. When it comes to this serious infection, knowing the signs, symptoms, and treatment in children is highly important read more here...

Boost Immunity in Kids Naturally

As a parent, keeping your child safe and as healthy as possible is a top priority. Especially around school time and as social interactions increase, having a well-developed immune system is important in staying safe. Luckily, there are many ways to boost immunity in kids naturally read more here...

Back Pain Causes in Teens

Adolescent back pain is more common than most think, and this pain can form for a number of reasons. Back pain causes in teens can be due to sports, injuries, disorders, or even just poor sleep read more here...

Ways to Improve Eating Habits in Children

As a parent, ensuring your child/family eats healthy can prove to be difficult. Finding effective ways to improve eating habits in children is sometimes just as difficult read more here...

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Skincare Tips for Teens

Your child’s hygiene habits become more important, not less important, as they get older. Raging hormones, peer pressure to look a certain way, and increased sweat production can all affect your teenager’s skin read more here...

Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep disorders can greatly interfere with daily activities, cognitive function, and your child’s overall health and wellbeing. Sleep disorders are typically diagnosed by looking at clinical presentation and family history as well as the conduction of various sleep studies read more here...

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Emotional Health and Ways to Improve It

The emotional health and development of your child is just as important as their physical health and development — if not more so. Nurturing your child’s emotional health is a crucial part of ensuring that they grow up to be a happy and healthy adult read more here...

Talk Therapy & Its Benefits

Kids can struggle with mental health issues like depression or trauma-based conditions sooner than you’d think. In fact, nearly 25% of kids will experience a mental health condition at some point during childhood or adolescence. And just like adults, they can benefit from talk therapy as a sole treatment or in conjunction with other treatments like medication read more here...

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Mental Illness in Children

While commonly thought of as an “adult problem,” approximately 50% of all mental illnesses present before the age of 14. Early intervention, treatment, and management are key to improving symptoms and possibly even reversing some mental disorders before they take hold read more here...

Eating Disorders in Kids

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that should not be downplayed or minimized. The majority of patients suffering from an eating disorder do not seek treatment read more here...

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Childhood Obesity

According to the CDC, childhood obesity affects a shocking one in five kids and teens in the United States. Living in a state of being chronically overweight can lead to a whole host of health problems that can endure into adulthood read more here...

Importance of Vaccines

Vaccines are an important component of public health and can help those who receive them build natural immunity to many common serious illnesses. Childhood immunizations prevent serious illnesses, protect communities, and save lives. The typical childhood vaccination schedule today includes immunization against more than a dozen illnesses read more here...

Friday, February 5, 2021

Food Allergies in Children

The top 8 most common food allergies in the United States are milk, wheat, soy, eggs, fish, tree nuts, shellfish, and peanuts. These allergens must be properly identified on any food packaging that is regulated by the FDA. In children, the most common allergens are egg, milk, and peanuts read more here...

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Causes & Treatment of Diarrhea in Kids

The most common viruses that can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms in children are rotaviruses, noroviruses, and adenoviruses. Outbreaks are common in schools and daycare centers, especially during the winter months read more here...

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Childhood Skin Cancer

When you hit the beach this summer, it’s important to be aware of the sun-related dangers and to take steps to prevent your entire family from skin damage and skin cancer. You may not even be aware that skin cancer is possible in children and teens. But, while rare, pediatric skin cancer does occur read more here...

Bacterial Pneumonia in Kids

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by a virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Bacterial pneumonia often begins with bacteria that has colonized the nose and mouth and moves down into the lungs. Some of the most common bacteria associated with causing pneumonia include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumonia read more here...