Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Sprains and Strains in Children
Friday, October 1, 2021
Signs of Vision Problems in Kids

If you’ve ever suspected that your child might have trouble seeing, it can be quite alarming, especially if they are very young. Kids as young as 2 or 3 may need glasses in order to correct their vision problems, and it is never too early to get any potential issues checked out read more here...
Germs Prevention for Children

As many parents know, it can seem like every time you turn around, your child is sick again with another common illness. While immunizations and a good dose of vitamins can help boost your child’s immune system against disease, there’s a good chance they will still get sick at some point during the school year read more here...
Back Pain in Teens

Is your child or teen complaining of back pain? There can be many causes of back pain in teens, ranging from benign annoyances to more serious issues. Keep reading to learn more about the typical causes and preventative measures for back pain in teens, as well as options for diagnosis and treatment read more here...
Acne in Children