
Monday, January 28, 2019

Top Tips to Help Comfort Your Child After Bug Bites and Itchiness

At some point in your kid’s life, they are going to complain about some form of insect bite, which will irritate their skin. In the vast majority of cases, simple home care solutions will put your little one at ease. However, there are times when a bite may lead to a medical emergency, so it is best to know what to do in every eventuality.
We have prepared this quick guide to identify whether your child has been bitten.  Hopefully, these tips will help you treat and comfort your child after bug bites and itchiness. Read more here... 

A Parent’s Guide: Diabetes Guidelines for Children

Diabetes is a chronic illness which can affect people of all ages. In the past, kids only really suffered from Type-1, but over the past decade, there has been an alarming increase in the number of kids suffering from Type-2.
Prevention is the best form of cure concerning Type-2, but despite the sheer volume of people suffering from this disease, many people are still unaware of how their lifestyles can have a negative impact on their health. A diagnosis of diabetes in children can be traumatic for all the family. Therefore, hopefully, these diabetes guidelines for children will increase your awareness of this condition and help you should your little one start displaying symptoms. Read more here...