
Monday, December 16, 2019

Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of ACL Injuries in Kids !

You may have heard about anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries and how they often affect professional sports players. While these kinds of injuries are much more common in adults, kids can still suffer from this injury. Kids who play a lot of contacts and high-impact sports are at a much higher risk.
Westminister Pediatrician

If you or your child suspect that they have an ACL injury, it is important to get it checked out as soon as possible. Read on to find out more about the causes, symptoms, prevention of ACL injuries in kids. Read More Here

How to Prevent Food Poisoning in Kids?

Food poisoning is something that we likely will all suffer from at some point in our lives. That is because we can’t see, smell, or taste the organisms that cause food poisoning. As adults, we will be able to identify food that has gone bad or is out of date, but kiddos might not be so aware.

Food poisoning is an unpleasant experience for anyone, but kids tend to be at higher risk from reacting to certain bacteria and toxins, which can cause upset tummies. In this post, we will take a look at some of the common causes and give you some tips on how to prevent food poisoning in kids. Read More Here