
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Information Regarding Flu Vaccines

Flu viruses are constantly evolving. Each year, scientists study thousands of flu virus samples from all over the world to determine how they are changing and how are they making people sick. The results of their study will allow them to forecast which viruses are likely to make a huge impact on the next flu season. These results will also allow them to formulate the appropriate vaccines.

When to get vaccinated?

The timing and duration of flu seasons vary, but in general, yearly flu vaccination should begin in September. Other than that, vaccination can start as soon as the vaccine is made available. For your information, antibodies that provide protection against flu viruses develop in the body about two weeks after vaccination.

How many shots will a child need?

If your child is 9 years or older, he will need only one immunization regardless of what flu immunizations he has received in the past. However, if your child is below 9 years of age, he may need two immunizations. Consult with your pediatrician to learn how many shots your child will need this flu season.

Additionally, if your child is under 6 months of age, all surrounding family members and caretakers must also be vaccinated. If everyone around the infant is protected, the risk that the infant will contract the virus decreases.


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